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New to Cosmetics?

Often our patients are unhappy about their appearance in some way and want do be proactive.  They take action to help slow the appearance of aging.  The problems we see our new patients facing is whom to trust.  These services can be expensive.  Here is our promise to you.  We want to help you learn about options that are available to you.  We pledge to you that we will give you an expert honest opinion and expectations of treatments and procedures that can be provided.  If there is a service that we do not provide but we believe will have an effect we will guide you in that direction.  Dr A. Starnes is a true medical expert in cosmetics.  I believe if you see Dr Starnes for guidance (a cosmetic consult) you will come away with an understanding of your appearance and what could be altered along with a comprehensive understanding of your options.


Fill out this form to get started!  Megan will give you a call from our office to discuss the data you enter and ways you can turn back the clock in a subtle, expert way.

Cutting Edge

Dermatology PLLC

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Mon - Thurs : 8am to 4:30pm
Fri, Sat, Sun: CLOSED

Tel: 276-365-8071

Fax: 276-221-1529
143 Woodland Drive SW

Wise, VA 24293-4623

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